Saturday, September 01, 2012

Chasing The Legacy

Please Welcome Genene Valleau author of The Legacy Series. We are featuring her new release today, Chaising The Legacy.


What or who inspired you to start writing?

 I'm one of those writers who read a book so bad I knew I could do better. I soon realized writing a good book took some effort, so I spent the next half dozen years learning to write--and rewrite. After fourteen years, I sold my first book. Since then I've published the two other novels in my Rock'n'Romance trilogy, two novellas, and this month celebrate the release of book #4 of my Legacy Series, CHASING THE LEGACY. Five more Legacy books are contracted to release every two months through July 2013. 

How do you come up with ideas for your books? 

My fascination with people who live through horrific experiences yet emerge stronger plays a key role in my Legacy Series. The first book of the series, PICTURE PERFECT LEGACY, features a minor character in an earlier book who captured my writer's imagination and insisted her story be told. Since she has seven overly protective, adopted brothers, they all needed a story and romance of their own so they would quit interfering in Marly's life. 

What expertise do you bring to your writing? 

My dramatic stories are fueled by over twenty years of working for a social service agency--great fodder for trauma and drama and overcoming incredible odds. 

What would you want your readers to know about you that might not be in your bio? 

If it's not in my bio, I don't want anyone to know about it! LOL! OK, a couple things: (1) I'm also a graphic designer and have designed all my own book covers, and (2) I don't talk about my great love and respect for dogs in my bio, because I could go on and on for hours talking about my furbabies. However, dogs or pets of some kind usually show up in my stories. 

If you could be one of the characters from any of your books, who would it be and why?

 While I really like the characters in my books--I have to so I can write their stories well--and admire certain traits like boldness and being outspoken, I'm pretty used to being me and would have to start all over with the self-improvement if I became someone else. :)

Do you belong to a critique group? If so how does this help or hinder your writing? I have several critique partners who each bring a different perspective that is invaluable in improving my writing. 

When did you first decide to submit your work? Please tell us what or who encouraged you to take this big step? 

I had been hesitantly submitting my work with the encouragement of members of my local chapter of Romance Writers of America. However, Christine Young encouraged me to submit to the publisher who contracted for my first book. (Many thanks for that, Chris!)

What is the best and worst advice you ever received regarding writing or publishing?

 This advice could actually fit for most things: Use what works for you personally (advice, suggestions, stuff at garage sales) and don't worry about the rest.

Do you outline your books or just start writing?

 I am a detailed plotter who has developed even more ways to keep track of details (and drive my pantster writing friends crazy) as I've been writing my series of books. 

Do you have any hobbies and does the knowledge you've gained from these carry over into your characters or the plot of your books?

 As I mentioned above, I love pets, especially dogs, and pets usually end up in my books. I'm also very interested in healing with energy and different spiritual pathways, and that also influences my characters. 

As far as your writing goes, what are your future plans? 

Right now I'm focused on writing and promoting my Legacy series, which features eight adopted siblings determined to continue their father's legacy. As they uncover secrets that lead to the truth that killed their father, the action, romance and family drama heat up. 
These books started releasing in March 2012, and will release every two months through July 2013. This is a wonderful release schedule, but intense. When it's done, I want to explore ways to add audio and video clips to make books a multi-sensory experience for readers. 

Anything else you might want to add? 

Many thanks to Chris for inviting me as a guest on her blog!


Chasing the Legacy
Genie Gabriel

Excerpt Heat Level: 1
Book Heat Level: 1

Buy at:

In this romantic adventure, a newspaper reporter with a penchant for flashy shoes uncovers an explosive story that could shatter lives and defuse her budding love with a soft-spoken bomb tech.


"Mind if I join you?"

Layla turned at the sound of Grady's voice. "Your house."

"I haven't lived here in awhile but, yeah, still home." He eased onto the settee beside Layla with a sigh, a different kind of smoky smell lingering on his clothes--that of explosions and destructive fires.

"You were a hero tonight."

"Just doing my job, like a lot of others who are still in town."

"What happened?"

"The initial theory is a guy who sold a baby to a wealthy couple didn't like his money-making scheme cut off. So he planted dynamite in the buildings in Halo for revenge."

Layla shivered. "Pretty over-the-top for one baby."

"I'm sure there's more to it." Grady covered a yawn.

Silence settled between them, and soon Layla heard Grady's gentle, even breathing. He had fallen asleep. With tousled hair and smudges of soot on his face from the fires, he seemed more like a little boy than a man who sought out explosives for a living.

Soon Tallie appeared with a quilt over her arm. She tucked it around Grady and kissed his cheek. Always the mom and, again, Layla felt a pang of envy.

"May I bring you a blanket?"

Layla shook her head. "I'm going inside in a few minutes."

But she didn't. When the sun peeked over the eastern horizon, she had cuddled up against Grady and burrowed under his blanket.

His arm stretched along the back of the settee over her shoulders and he smiled shyly at her. "I won't tell your pop if you don't tell my mom."

Her belly did a funny little somersault as a grin formed on her face. "It's a deal."

He kneaded the muscles in his neck. "I need to get back to town."

Then he stood and tucked the blanket around her, much as Tallie had done for him earlier. "Welcome home, Layla."

Her breathing quickened as he leaned close to her. Was he going to kiss her? Was she going to let him?


Genie Gabriel

For years I've been fascinated by the puzzle of why some people collapse under life's traumas and others emerge triumphantly stronger. In a job surrounded by social workers and in my personal life, I saw the effects of abuse, incest, and violence. Yet amid the stark realities of addictions, anger, abandonment, denial and betrayal shone the bright light of strength, hope and forgiveness. These triumphs of the human spirit over the ugliest of adversities became the basis for my stories. My passion for writing romance stories became an outlet for the powerful messages that people can overcome great difficulties, and that true love can turn life’s heartaches into happily ever after.

Genene Valleau, writing as Genie Gabriel..."Discover the magic!"
March 2012: The LEGACY series  
Beyond surviving: happy endings for tough issues...

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