Sunday, September 01, 2013

Christine Presents: Bobble Head Babes.

Bobble Head Babes
The Continuing Saga...

Headed south this weekend for a belated birthday party. Happy Birthday Mom! Shout it out! Half the family will be there. I get to see my grandson for only the third time. It's really hard not to see the kids more often. But I really like to make the most each time we get together.

On the other hand, the world is worried about Syria and all the evil things that are transpiring. It makes one wonder about the beauty queens who said "all they wanted was world peace." Maybe they weren't as shallow as so many pegged them. I want world peace too. I want a world where I know my kids and grandkids can grow up and not have to worry about nuclear and chemical weapons.

Don't they deserve a wonderful life?

What are these leaders thinking!

Then I go back into my peaceful existence, writing, watching my grand babies grow up and don't really get political. Political, except for a few issues I can understand just about every point of view. But I don't understand KILLING. It just doesn't make sense to me.

Then there is the superficial side, trying to lose five pounds before I go to Greece. Sigh... some would be thankful they only need to lose five pounds but I can't wear any of my shorts for more than five minutes then I want them off. Comfort is so important. So is not being hungry. Self-imposed or otherwise.

I'm thinking I should get back to my books... but I wrote four pages today and finished chapter one on my WIP. Oh did I say it's the new chapter one. Eleven chapters have all ready been written. And this is a December release. Two more chapters to go.

Hope everyone has a safe and pleasant weekend with family and friends. Happy Labor Day.

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